Baby Bag Checklist
We design changing bags to help keep mamas as organised as can be when they’re out and about with their little ones. So, it’s only fitting that we’d provide a checklist to keep mothers just as prepared. Of course you’ll most likely find a system that suits your family’s outings, kids’ ages, and the season best, but here’s a comprehensive list to get you started.
Download the complete checklist to print at home, here.
[ ] 6 nappies (one for every two hours you spend out, and a couple of extras)
[ ] Baby Wipes
[ ] Changing Mat
[ ] Nappy Rash Ointment
[ ] Hand Sanitiser
[ ] Plastic bags, they come in handy for soiled nappies and clothes (hint: in our classic and luxury PacaPod’s, a handy bag is included for this purpose)
[ ] Pocket Tissues
[ ] Change of Clothes for Baby
[ ] Blanket for Baby
[ ] Sunblock
[ ] Formula and Bottle, pre-measure formula if you’re bottle-feeding
[ ] Breast Pads, if you’re breast-feeding
[ ] Snacks
[ ] Insulated Bag, for cold items including breast milk (you can use of feeder pod!)
[ ] A Baby Spoon
[ ] A Bib or Two
[ ] Burp Cloths/Muslin squares
[ ] Pacifiers
[ ] Books or Toys
[ ] Crayons
[ ] Teething Toys
[ ] A Small First Aid Kit, with antibacterial ointment, teething gel and pain relievers
[ ] Bottled Water, for you if you’re breast-feeding
[ ] Phone, or a list of emergency contacts
[ ] Keys
[ ] Notebook & Pen