6 Easter Activities for Kids
With an abundance of chocolate around at this time of year, it can be hard to keep your little ones from bouncing off the walls with excitement. So here at PacaPod we thought we would help you out and compile a fun filled list of things to do this Easter.
1. Decorating eggs – Decorating eggs will keep your littles happy for hours. Not only do they make great ornaments for around the house, but they can also be lovely personal gifts for loved ones. We love what the artful parent has come up with here – have a go and tag us in any pics!
2. Cook an Easter inspired treat – We absolutely love food here at PacaPod, so any excuse to make it or eat it is perfect for us. Why not have a go at something simple like these vanilla chick biscuit pops. Or you could go for something traditional with this Hot Cross bun recipe, and finally, why not try something super indulgent (and our personal favourite) with these Crème Egg Brownies
3. Do an Easter egg hunt – The best Easter activity of all! Whether it’s in the house or outside, any opportunity to hunt for chocolate is a great one. This kit from Not On The High Street is a great way to get you started!
4. Easter themed colouring - Perfect for rainy days or quiet afternoons, colouring books will keep your little ones entertained for hours. But why not make it more seasonal with this Easter colouring book from Amazon. We love the mix of simple and intricate drawings packed inside this colouring book!
5. Make Easter cards – Another great way to decorate the house or perfect for giving to friends and family. Take a look at our Pinterest board for all the inspiration you need!
6. Make an Easter Gingerbread House – We are in awe of what Chelsea from Lovely Indeed has created this Easter. Gingerbread houses are firm favourites at Christmas time – so why not create them at Easter too? Follow the link here to find out exactly how you can make this incredible masterpiece.