New Year
As dark and dank January looms, what do we really dread the most - the post-Christmas flat feeling, or the expectation to produce a list of New Year's resolutions? Let's be honest, the pressure to come up with a list could actually be an unnecessary additional form or stress which will probably end in some sort of failure as we insist on denying ourselves some favourite winter hibernation habits.
On the one hand it does make sense that the new calendar with a fresh year unfolding ahead is the perfect time to start again. By all means reset, write down your intentions for moving forward, but surely only if that works for you. It's ok to jump off the resolution train, especially if it's faked or forced.
Instead, how about we all take a moment to think about what's really best for us as individuals and take time to follow our own needs?
We can probably all afford to be a little bit more selfish once in a while, especially if it allows us the energy to cope with all the other demands on our time and the people we plan to help in 2020.
Sue Elliott-Nicholls wrote a brilliant article about the importance of some time out for BBC Stories in November 2019 - "How skiving made me a better parent".
"When my kids were little I was a great advocate of the skive...steal a moment just for you. And I mean steal it. So often, when you have children, time to yourself is bargained for, negotiated, a favour for a favour...But a skive is a sin, and it involves deceit and skulduggery. And therein lies the joy."
Balance and head space are vital for well being, and if there has to be a list these should be tip of it. We all know giving up chocolate and going to the gym every day aren't fun or realistic - for more than a couple of weeks anyway.
So next time someone asks you what your New Year Resolutions are, what will you say?