How a PacaPod Changing Bag is Made
An extraordinary 257 pieces go into carefully crafting a PacaPod, not only does this make them incredible value, but the love and care that goes into making them ensures that they last well beyond the baby years!
Here at PacaPod we pride ourselves on creating changing bags that not only look beautiful but also are functional and practical for day-to-day life with a baby. To ensure you all love the final product, each changing bag design goes through a thorough step-by-step process, to ensure it’s exactly how founder and designer, Jacqueline, has envisaged it.
Read on to find out exactly what happens in every step of this process, from the conception of a design idea, right up to the point your bag is delivered to your door.
Practical Changing Bag Process
1. The initial idea and functionality of each PacaPod changing bag stemmed from Jacqueline’s love of travelling and the desire to be organised, particularly whilst in airports with her children. The need to grab certain items quickly, whilst on the go, and whilst time is limited, meant the genius 3 in 1 organisation system that sits inside each baby bag was created.
2. With the internal design of each bag in her mind, the next stage is for Jacqueline to take a trip to London to view the upcoming seasons design books, where the new seasons ideas and trends are carefully outlined. From this, pattern pieces can be manipulated and laid out to give the first insight into how the outer of the bag will look.
3. The next step in the process is the completion of all the technical specifications worksheets involved when creating one of our bags.
4. Once this has been completed, we are then able to obtain our very first sample of the changing bag. Rigorous testing takes place to ensure the fit and functionality of the bag are exactly as they should be. A review of the bag and it’s design can then be done, with any alterations needed being clearly marked out.
5. With the feedback from the original sample and the alterations made, we then receive a second sample of the unique changing bag.
6. Next, it’s onto more of the technical aspects, where the material of the bags is tested within a laboratory; this involves testing the composition, dye, abrasion and the fabric. From this reports are drawn up, ensuring that every changing bag we produce is safe for everyone to use.
7. After testing, it’s time for the launch of the new changing bag design at the International Nursery Trade Show, Kind Und Jugend. Showcasing new styles here, gives us a chance to receive feedback from existing customers, and potential ones too. We can find out how popular a certain style may be depending on geographical location, and the different needs of each customer groups because of this.
8. With this feedback, it is then time for the design to go into production. Eeekk!

9. Whilst the bags are in production, it is then up to the Marketing team to arrange a photoshoot of all the new styles for the upcoming season. We have been exceptionally lucky to shoot our styles in beautiful locations all over Devon, Cornwall and Manchester, and have had the privilege of working with some wonderfully behaved and super adorable babies and toddlers!
10. With the images all ready, and the final bags produced, they’re all ready to be sold via both our website and in the many retail stores that we work with across the globe.

11. And the best bit of all... the point it arrives on your doorstep!
12. We are continually reviewing and the developing the design of our bags, using the feedback from bloggers and influencers who we send samples to, and the wonderful customers who buy from us. No design is ever complete until everyone is happy.
Above photo: credit to @tessaannkirby