Top Ten Travel Tips

travel tips

PacaPod's award winning designer, experienced traveller and mum of two, Jacqueline Waggett, lists her Top Ten Tips for Travelling with babies and little ones!
We always have our hands full when we adventure out with Annie & Isabel and frequently feel apprehensive about what the additional strain that travelling might bring, so here's my top 10 travel tips to make life that little bit simpler and stop you wishing you had stayed at home:

1/ - Travel with two 'hand luggage' bags only (we take two PacaPods - a backpack and a shoulder bag).  We use the backpack for day trips with pods in, and the shoulder bag, we use the toy pods (so that the girls can help carry their own stuff too). The size of the bag fits neatly under the seat on a plane or foot well in the back of the car, and can be easily accessed in confined spaces due to the back opening system, they also clip onto a baggage trolley using the pram clips in the airport. 

2/ - Always have plenty of little snacks to distract little ones, this works a treat every time - we also take an 'ice' pack that can be popped into the feeder pod to keep contents colder for longer in warmer climates.

3/ - Carry paper and crayons to entertain children, as they quickly tire of books and toys, but drawing pictures keeps them going for much longer. Also try taking maps and brochures of where you’re heading so the kids can get involved and plot the route. Avoid taking toys with small parts they’ll probably end up lost under a seat and cause frantic tearful searching.

4/ - Take at least one inflatable headrest 'pillow' so that when you or your children get tired you can drift off without being uncomfortable - I swear I feel more relaxed at the other end!

5/ - Always take extra snuggly fleeces with zips which are easy to remove/put on in cramped spaces, (air conditioning can vary hugely) and can double up as blankets to keep little ones feeling cosy.

6/ - Allow a lot more time than you normally would for travelling, whether a car journey or flight, everything takes longer with children in tow, and if you're feeling stressed, they instantly react to this too - a recipe for tears and not just your children's.

7/ - Pack emergency kids pain relief in a sachet and a spoon and teething gel – it’s lightweight and won't get sticky like a bottle. I use the Changer Pod for this so we have instant access to it on a flight, in the car, ferry wherever and can deal with any issues right away.

8/ Take an extra full set of clothes, even for a potty trained child - they are liable to spill a drink, or need the loo as soon as you see the 'fasten your seat belt' sign is on, or 'services in 15 miles' on the motorway. Again these can fit into the Changer Pod, so you don’t have to search around your bags.

9/ - Store all your travel documents/wallet/directions/car hire etc. in one front easy to access pocket, so there is no rummaging round and stressing out when under pressure.

10/ - Keep a stack of tissues, kleenex, hand wipes and a couple of spare sandwich bags for storing rubbish/catching sick, in your Feeder Pod, watch out for expanding air pressure in bottle on flight - on more than one occasion we have showered the person sitting behind us on a flight when opening... the tissues are a sweetener!

Most of all - be organised and you might just feel like your having a holiday too!!!

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