Last year for Mother’s Day we told you about those awkward but funny moments the mums in our team have had. A large amount contained bodily emissions, which left the non-parents in the team rather shell-shocked. You can read them here, if you missed them last year.

Now, we want your funniest moments from being a mum. Submit your story to us and we will showcase our favourites in the week before Mother’s Day. The team at head office will vote for their overall number 1, and the winner will be sent a Freedom Pod in Gunmetal.

If you’ve got a story you want to share, click on the link to fill out a quick form. We can’t wait to get reading!

Submit your story here.

The important bit - T&Cs:

  • Competition open from 15th March 2019 until 11.59pm 25th March.
  • Entry can only be made through the form.
  • There will only be 1 winner.
  • Winner will be emailed on 27th March.
  • Competition is open worldwide.
  • Entrants must be aged 18 or over.


March 15, 2019 by Liz Clough

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