Your Hero Changing Bag Items
Packing your changing bag for the day ahead can be deemed as a chore when you’re trying to juggle your little one, and find the right wipes, creams or pacifer! But do not worry, we totally get this struggle and want to make your life as easy as possible. We have not yet produced bags that pack themselves (wouldn’t this be awesome), but we do produce bags that have a place for everything - so to help with what to take for a day of fun we headed to our social pages to get some tips from the real life experts… you guys!
Below are a few ‘hero’ items that other parents have deemed a must have item for their changing bag. We hope you love reading this and getting some tips from others in the same position as you, and please do let us know your hero items too!
(Image credit @nikkalifestyle)
Snacks for both mum and baby are hugely important when out for the day! Hannah Radford has said that one of her favourites is a Nature Valley Chocolate and Peanut Butter Protein Bar to keep in her changing bag.
Kat Holden recommends keeping water in your changing bag as it’s so easy to forget to stay hydrated when looking after little people!
Bubbles (and not the Prosecco kind!)
Hayley Walder thinks that a bottle of bubbles in your changing bag is a wonderful thing to have, as there isn’t anything that can’t be solved with a few bubbles floating through the air!
(Image credit: @therusticmother)
Giant Muslin
Both Kristie Scarle and @arianaworethis have recommended having a giant Muslin in your changing bag. Not only are they great as a Muslin but they can double up as a playmat, cover up and a towel.
9800394 wipes (to be precise!)
As Jessica Berkowitz says… because kids!!
Small toys and books
@rinamjaegz thinks that a small selection of toys and books is great for keeping little ones engaged if mama is taking care of other business.
Teething toys
Stephanie Drain and Nicki Lloyd couldn’t be without a few teethers. In particular their favourites are the Matchstick Monkey and Sophie Le Giraf.