Mother's Day with The Mummy Adventure
Today we share a glimpse of motherhood through the eyes of Becky Gower, mama to 4 and award-winning parent blogger over on The Mummy Adventure blog. We caught up with Becky and asked her questions about raising 4 little ones (all aged 5 and under!), her ideal Mother's Day and some top tips for getting into blogging.
What would your perfect Mother’s Day involve?
A lie in! That is the one thing I really miss about my pre-baby days, the sleep. A homemade card is high up on my list and lunch that I don't have to cook or clean up after as well. I like to go and see my Mum and my mother in law too - I don't think you appreciate them enough until you become a Mum and I want to treat them and let the children spend time with their grandparents.
Tell us about the biggest challenge of being a mum to four small children?
The biggest challenge is probably spending one on one time with them. I always feel guilty that we don't do it enough, but it isn't always that practical with four of them. It is something I am hoping to start doing more of, even if it is only for short periods.
What was the best advice your mum ever gave you about motherhood?
To parent MY baby, not 'the baby' that the books and health professionals tell me about. Our children are as unique as we are and just as adults are all different heights and weights, just as we have different interests and ways of learning, so do they. A mother's instinct is such a powerful thing, she taught me never to underestimate it.
Do you have any tips for parents who want to start blogging their parenting journey?
Go to Wordpress or Blogger and just start, it is easy and free and the longer you put it off, the less likely you are to do it. Set yourself a challenge to start with - I decided to do one new thing everyday for a month and blog about it, just little things, but it gave me something to write about and get used to it.
With so much experience, what did you do differently with your fourth baby?
Our fourth baby was the first one I gave birth to at home and it was a wonderful experience. I think with each baby I became more confident in my body and its abilities and it felt natural this time to have a Homebirth. By the fourth I really understood how fast babyhood goes by too so I have tried to stop and appreciate the small moments more - the weight of a newborn in my arms, the milky smell of their head and those captivating baby yawns.
Use five words to describe the highs and lows of being a mum!
Intense, exhausting, empowering, amazing, addictive!
How do you like to unwind?
I don't have much down time with four children, a job and a blog but we are lucky enough to live really close to the coast and a walk along the beach always calms me and helps me clear my head. Having a bath without a mini-invader is pretty high on the list too!
You can follow Becky's family adventure here over on her blog