New Year’s Resolutions for Busy Mums
PacaPod would like to introduce Emma Cottam, a speaker, writer and founder of Isabella and Us. She is the editor of the Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums, an independent magazine for mums, and the host of the Positive Wellbeing Podcast for Mums, a weekly podcast talking openly and honestly about motherhood, wellbeing and self-care.
As we head into this New Year it is important to think about how we might nourish ourselves and how we might support our wellbeing, both physical and mental. This isn’t about New Years resolutions that we can often make and only last a few weeks, it is about adding in simple practices that will become habits to support ourselves.
Self Care is often seen as a ‘buzz word’, one that represents bubble baths and spa days, but self care is so much more than that. It’s a fundamental part of our healthcare and being kind to ourselves, supporting ourselves through our daily, quite often busy, lives.
As we leave 2020 behind, a year quite like no other, it is important to reflect on those things that supported us and those that didn’t. Did having time to pause support you, did your wellbeing suffer because you couldn’t access your normal support network, did working from home impact upon your family life? Once we have reflected on what did and what didn’t support us, we can start to think about how we can look to incorporate small self care practices into our days.
I mention small self care practices, because often as mums we struggle to find time for ourselves, but if we can make even five minutes a day to support ourselves, it will have a huge positive impact. As mums, we often come bottom of the list, but if we don’t look after ourselves, we can’t look after those around us in the best way for us and often when we are feeling depleted this leaves us feeling like a shouty, frazzled mum.
These small self care practices might be things like listening to a meditation, reading a book, doing a breathing technique, seeing a friend, being outside in nature, dancing to your favourite song. They don’t need to take long and they don’t need to cost anything either.
So firstly I’d like you to consider those things that bring you joy, what things really fill up your cup? Those things are your self care, those things that leave you feeling rejuvenated, excited, happy, calm and relaxed. Create a list of those things you enjoy doing and keep these somewhere safe for you to come back to when you need them.
Next I’d like you to think about when you can plan in one of these activities, can you get up 10 minutes earlier in a morning to do a mediation, or drink a hot drink in peace? Can you get out with your family in an afternoon for some fresh air and to be with nature?
One way to do this is to plan it in to your diary, but this isn’t about adding in another thing to do, it’s about holding yourself accountable for ensuring you make the time for yourself.
So I would love for you to take some time today to make your list of things that bring you joy and plan some time in over this week to do some of those things. I promise even just 5 minutes of one simple self care practice will make a huge difference to how you approach your day.
Instagram - @isabella_and_us
Website - https://isabellaandus.com
NB: Emma is also passionate about helping to raise awareness of maternal mental health through our #winningasamummy® campaign.