6 Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

The thought of returning to your day job after days spent nursing and nuzzling your newborn might have you feeling anxious. You might also feel eager to get back to some uninterrupted adult time. No matter how you’re feeling about the close of your maternity leave, here are some tips to help make the transition easier for both you and your bundle of joy. From baby to boardroom, here are our suggestions:


1. Plan Ahead: Figure out who will be your baby’s primary caregiver while you’re busy bringing home the bread. We recommend doing this as soon as possible-- before your due date even! This will truly allow you to enjoy the last few weeks with your infant so you can spend the last few weeks together instead of on the phone making arrangements.


2. Practice Makes Perfect: If you’ve been by your little one’s side since delivery day, we don’t recommend waiting until your return to the office to separate for the first time. Do a trial run instead! Leave your baby with a close friend, family member, or her caregiver for a day or two here and there so you both can get used to being apart.


3. Focus on YOU: Use your trial run to shop for a new outfit (or three)! Get a manicure, a haircut or a massage. Pamper yourself so you’ll feel confident and ready for anything on your first day back at the office.


4. Get Your Breastfed Baby Used to a Bottle: In the time leading up to your return to the office, get your little one used to the bottle to make feedings a breeze for your baby and her sitter. For breastfeeding mamas, make sure you have a good bag to carry your breast pump in, and an insulated one to store your milk in.


5. Maximize Your Time Together: Make and freeze meals before your maternity leave is over. In the first few weeks after your return, you’ll want to come home and spend the evening hours snuggling your sweetie rather than prepping dinner.


6. Go Easy on Yourself: You’re going to miss your baby and that is okay!


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