Expressing on The Go

The PacaPod feeder pod, which is inside all of our unisex changing bags, can come in handy before baby takes her first bits of food! One question we often get asked is whether our feeder pod can fit a manual breast pump for feeding on demand. As seen in the photos below you can store a manual breast pump in the classic feeder pod, however, it will also fit in our luxury and lite feeder pods too. The pump below is Medela, we have also tested Avent and they fit too!


If you do decide to breast feed your little one, your baby can benefit from your milk even when you’re apart! While you might choose an electric pump for efficiency on a more regular basis, due to size and convenience a manual pump may be a good option for single feeds and times when you need to express while out and about.


Once you no longer choose to breast feed you can use our handy baby feeder pods to store 4 baby bottles., and when your littlest ones become toddlers it can be used as a cool bag to store snacks and keep drinks cold!


 All PacaPod changing bags come equipped with feeder pods. Shop now.



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