Our Environmental Policy

Life with little people is chaotic and full on at the best of times. We know it can be hard to think beyond when they last pooped and how much dinner they ate, but here at PacaPod, one thing we try to always find some time for is looking after our environment. We are exceptionally lucky to live and work in a beautiful part of the UK - the North Devon coast. Yes our commutes are more often delayed by sheep in the road than mayhem traffic, but it’s something we wouldn’t change for the world and appreciate every day.


So, in order to keep this ever changing environment beautiful and as it should be, we do every little bit we can to be responsible and caring. And here’s how…

  • We made a promise to ourselves that no matter what pressure we are under, we will always try not to fly our goods in and instead ship them. We are so sorry if it means your bag reaches you a little later, but rest assured it’s got to you in the most environmentally friendly way possible (well unless we walked/swam them here on our back). You can find out more about our social responsibility here.
  • At the beginning of the year, our founder Jacqueline gifted us some beautiful Tree Tribe Bottles. This is great for those of us that are always trying to get our water intake up because it means we can do it in the most responsible way possible. (Plus they not only look great, they actually keep the contents inside super cold or hot!). There really is nothing better than having a meeting and see a whole collection of reusable bottles sat alongside us!

  • We are really happy that the beautiful branded polybags that you receive your PacaPod in are also biodegradeable. This means 12-18 months after you have received your PacaPod, the packaging will start to biodegrade harmlessly back into the earth.
  • For those changing bags that have come to the end of their life we ensure that they are disposed of in the best way possible by working with LMB Textile Recycling. They take any of the bags that we can’t repair to their sorting facility, where they are checked over by hand. Those that still have a bit of life in them (even if they do need a bit of TLC) are sent to Africa, where they get mended and sold in local community markets. If a bag is beyond the point of no return, LMB strip it back to the component parts for recycling. Who knows, there might even be an old PacaPod in your car seat headrest! And for those that have life still in them (or haven’t even begun it yet) we have an eBay store that means they can go and fill their lifelong destiny of housing poopy nappies for you.

  • When it comes to waste every PacaPod employee tries to do their bit to reduce it. We try to frequently bring in our own lunches, instead of popping out for a cheeky meal deal, thus reducing how much packaging we throw away. Although, this does mean that we have a pretty impressive Tupperware collection going through the dishwasher each day!



  • When it comes to new product development we are always trying to think of ways we can bring you more eco-friendly products, that not only make your life as a parent easier, but can help the environment along the way. One product that certainly does this is our Eco Tote - the PacSac. It folds away into a small pouch that is perfect for keeping in your changing bag and grabbing when you need a bit of extra storage space or when doing the food shop. You can get yours here.

  • And finally, where possible, we always want to partner with companies that share like minded values. Whether that’s hosting a giveaway with a reusable nappy brand, or sharing a blog post about how you can become more eco-friendly (see here) we try to think about how we can help make little changes day to day.

Now, we are most certainly not 100% there when it comes to being environmentally friendly but, we are trying, we are aware and what’s most important is that no matter how big or small the change is we’ll try to give it a go. And if you have any ideas for how we can keep on improving then please do let us know!

August 10, 2018 by Alice Edmonds

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